In Honor of Dale: Transition + Discomfort = Opportunity

Transitions can be just as beautiful as they are difficult. Sometimes, the anticipation of change can be so overwhelming, that it prevents us from moving forward. Other times, we’re so awed by what transpires through change that it seems surreal. The latter occurred over a span of two weeks and the blessings received became a testament to what’s possible when we slow down and let go.

In Honor of Dale

Dale, one of the most gentle-natured and patient horse souls, first arrived in our space nearly 10 years ago as a versatile ranch horse. He grew to become one of the most cherished coaching partners by fullCIRCLE clients who were intrigued by the concept of experiential learning alongside horses yet were fearful or unfamiliar with them.

The quiet nature of Dale’s demeanor provided clients with the opportunity to make profound and personalized discoveries during unmounted, hands-on activities. Those discoveries deeply resonated with the non-technical side of business and were memorable in helping them grow as leaders and team members long after they left Dale’s presence.

Transition + Discomfort

We are happy to announce that Dale has a new home. Carol Heaverlo will provide this beautiful 19-year-old soul a final home complete with extra attention and care, especially during the subzero winters Dale spent his life weathering.

Welcoming Carol into our circle was simultaneously bittersweet and a tremendous gift. Saying, “see you later,” to one of our most trusted coaching partners and dear Gratny family member elicited a mix of tears and smiles. Tears because Dale will be greatly missed; smiles because of what so many learned from him and what he helped bring about for fullCIRCLE.


The divine nature of what’s ahead for fullCIRCLE and the experiential learning industry is jaw-dropping. In the six years since I jumped into the space of learning-by-doing, it’s been a dream to conduct qualitative and quantitative research.

Existing research on experiential learning is dated and uncommon. Carol is a life-long learner and horse lover interested in conducting research in the area of horse-guided coaching (otherwise known as equine-assisted learning). Yet she hasn’t known anyone engaged in it – until now.

Guess what’s happening this year at fullCIRCLE? Tailor-made team experiences with 30 emerging leaders from Canada, Puerto Rico and the U.S. with a central-Iowa based company committed to investing in the training and development of its people.

Future articles and social media posts will highlight learning outcomes and the impact of hands-on experiences as part of our partnership with Carol to produce qualitative and quantitative research.

We are incredibly humbled by the intersection of dreams and for the partnerships making such opportunities a reality, our clients, the experiential learning industry and fullCIRCLE!

Learning from Horses

The beauty and effectiveness of humans learning from creatures in the animal kingdom are captured by Carol’s recent reflections on her new life with Dale:

Dale is my best life teacher right now. I’m learning so much about being a human being.
He’s teaching me how hard, yet worthwhile, it is to step into discomfort, put aside my agenda, slow down and listen.

This way of being is such a stark contrast to how I usually show up in my life and work, where I tend to go 150 mph.

I look forward to applying what I’m learning from Dale so I can be an example to others.

That, dear friends, is the essence of leadership coaching with horses. 


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